Dear George,
I am writing this letter to show my appreciation for all you have done for me. I appreciate how you listen to my little longings and always know how to soothe. I appreciate how you communicate silently all my desires. I thank you for allowing me to experiment while never passing judgment. I so appreciate how you have embraced my family and settled into a life with me and my daughter. I especially have to give you props for helping my child with owning her independence and also allowing her to explore. I couldn't have asked for a better friend and confidante. I know when you get heated, yet you never cause a scene. Even when I traded you in for a younger cuter version, you never fussed. You always stayed in my corner. You put up with my handling you all wrong. Sometimes I wonder why you deal with me at all. I know I can always count on you and come to you, when your light is on. You always make sure that I am making healthy and wise choices. You support me in my weakest moments. You make me better.
Yours Truly,
Words are sweet, but they never take the place of food. ~Ibo Proverb
It's Black History Month and I couldn't go a day without giving respect to the great George Foreman, spokesperson and marketing mogul for the George Foreman Grill, and all it's many incarnations. (applaud now) A legendary athlete, roaming preacher, father and awesome motivational speaker; although he didn't invent the Foreman grill, he made it a must have household appliance. I salute brother George for his tenacity, strength and success.
Yes my love letter was to the G. Foreman Grill, no apology.
We love our 'Mr. Foreman'! I have burned and scraped one up so bad that I had to throw it out, and replace it. My daughter has become a master at working the grill, she has developed some really cool recipes on the grill. In fact, she can cook a whole meal on it! Mr. Foreman has created a real sense of independence for her. Our Mr. Foreman, has also helped us increase our healthy food prep by allowing us to experiment with foods not traditionally prepared on the grill. I have even cooked a small pot of lentils on it, when my stove wasn't working. We can do anything with this grill!
Big Business magazine had this to say about George Foreman:
George Foreman has three fundamentals of business success: selling, integrity, and "the shotgun tactic." Over a lifetime, Foreman has created the kind of well-rounded success that most people dream of. He is a profitable businessman, a community leader, a husband and a father. His life is full, but more importantly to Foreman, his life is meaningful.
With nearly 100 million George Foreman Grills sold since 1995, Foreman has had enormous influence in the wellness industry. He is also one of the highest-paid and most recognized celebrity endorsers in the world. In 1999, Foreman signed a $137.5 million deal with Salton Inc. (recently merged with Applica Incorporated), entitling the grill manufacturer to global, unrestricted use of Foreman’s name in marketing the Lean, Mean, Fat-Reducing Grilling Machine and related products. The deal made Michael Jordan’s $40 million deal with Nike look small by comparison. Before his endorsement of the grills, Foreman made business deals based primarily on a desire for income. “I was so successful,” he says. “All the ads I had done for sausages, you name it, [I was] mainly thinking about money. But then I went into the grill business.” He took the grills all over the country, making personal appearances and boosting sales. “I was meeting people who would say, ‘The doctor told me to get a George!’ I’m like, what are they talking about? Get a George?” He realized his product was making a difference in people’s health, and his perspective changed. “From that point on, you know, I can never go back to what I used to do where I just sell and sell,” he says. “Now everything I do has to be connected to something healthy.”
Oh yeah and thanks for the dope ass roasted potatoes and onions today and all your help with the lamb and feta burgers too!
One spoon of soup in need has more value than a pot of soup when we have an abundance of food. ~Angolan Proverb
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