We are a week and some change into the new year and I have committed publicly to a fitness filled living. I have decided with my office pals to do a Zumba class or two at lunch in or newly renovated digs. I need the practice. I am studying choreography from Zumba, Rio & Bahia Samba, Banghara (Indian), Congolese and Ugandan dances. I am building a muscle memory arsenal. Sounds funny but it's real! Insert all the laugh out louds you need. The more I tune my body to these rhythms, the easier it will be to merge them all into Sauda Science. Yes, I feel like a mad scientist right now.
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Dance! Move as if your breath depends on it! |
So also this week, I was given a jewelry repair, my first sale of the year and a taste of reality. Maia Bey is getting a spanking, and needs to shape up! I had to make earrings to fill an order and it wasn't easy. I realized that although I have plenty of stock, I can never have enough. Solution: be more disciplined with creating pieces, have a schedule on which I can keep, and put the challenge out here! So now I am on a 30-day Creative Challenge as of Sunday, January 10th, 12AM! Watch out now...wooooo! So I have to explore new things, create from that spirit place and take pictures to document the journey! Follow here (on this blog) and @maiabey on Twitter. Along this journey I will be sharing some of my previous works in various media. Here's one:
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Sankofa Obsession wall piece. |
This week I also decided to stretch myself physically, this will be my most difficult challenge yet. Many don't know that I have fitness certifications, one is in Small Group Kettleweights. I haven't fully stepped into that space, yet. As I perused Facebook yesterday, one of my brotha-friends in TX, Sincere Hogan; put out a challenge. Mind you he is an elite athlete, and a Kettlebell & Bodyweight god! So very inspirational, and I have wanted to train with his movement for a awhile(as they say, 'No guts, no glory'). I am working on the guts!
Check him out here: www.newwarriortraining.com/ and www.facebook.com/peoplesfitcoach
So the challenge is as follows:
1. Perform the following New Warrior Training “Killer Elite” bodyweight workout
2. Video yourself performing it.3. Upload it to YouTube.
4. Post it in the “Comments” section of this blog post or on my Facebook Fan Page wall (http://facebook.com/peoplesfitcoach)
5. While you’re posting, let us know what is your top “Killer Elite” fitness goal for 2012, that you will achieve.
6. Be sure to share this with your friends via Facebook, Google+, Twitter, email, & other social media, & see which of you is the true “Killer Elite” New Warrior.
Here's the workout if you want to join me!

1. 25 x Fence Jumpers
2. 50 x Spider-man Push Ups (25 ea. side)
3. 75 x Drop-Rock-n-Push (the “Dirty DRP”)
4. 100 x Prisoner Jump Squats
Perform each exercise back to back, without or with minimal rest between each exercise. Perform each exercise with good form. Lastly, perform this workout as fast as possible.
So here goes...See my video tomorrow! Maybe....lol. Oh yeah and check out the new movie with Robert Deniro, Clive Owen and Jason Statham, 'Killer Elite".
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