Tin Can Philosophy:
Everything can be art.
All of these pieces were made with tin(soda) cans...so much more to come.
Black Starhz
Shining Black Stahrz of Afrika the RBG kind!
Telephone wire, gourds, recycled glass beads, plastic cups, broken bangles, shells, beans, wire casings, repurposed leather, repurposed cell phone wires, feathers, vintage beads, recycled fabric.......
The Dogon Dezign
This is one of the first MAIA Bey originals, it fashioned after a combination of mask dancers and the stilts dancers. They may have etched designs in the leather also.
Door of No Return
Another MAIA Bey original, earArt of infinite possibilities. Crafted after the place on Goree Island in Senegal, West Afrika; of the final exit point of Africans into the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. The earrings have mirrors to symbolically represent a journey through a door into a different world.
Modern African Inspired Arts is my personal Sankofa, its my symbolic and living, breathing reclamation of the past and utilizing it to push forward into the future. Sankofa allows us to be ourselves, respect the ancestral connection and gives us permission to enter into the future as a whole being, hopefully taking with us a worthwhile legacy.The Door of No Return, Goree Island. |
Sankofa Bird |
"get you some"
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