Today's The Day....

Haaa!!! Today is the day that my baby started fourth grade. She is all grown up and changing before my eyes. I can hardly believe that this long-legged little lady was just breast feeding 7 years ago. Yeah talk about me all you want, she was 2 and some change. I decided in my mind she should stop and very soon after she decided too. Not to mention she didn't like getting popped for biting. Anyway her school year began with a super late bus pickup, after 9 o'clock. (my face) A new  school location, her old school is now officially in a "school" building, not a church space. So she is super excited about that and seeing all her friends. I hope this is a great day and the rest of the year goes wonderfully. She has an optimistic attitude so she will be fine.

After teaching ZUMBA class
Today was also the day that I started my vacation that is. As a single mom, it had become difficult to get in a decent workout without duty calling. So I decided that I would take a chance make a change. I had a doctor's visit last week and I had two mental strikes! My weight has jumped up to 200 pounds! Yes I am officially a fat chick(tongue-in cheek). And she also said my pressure is on the border of being high. I am NOT okay with either of these! I know I have indulged and I have not changed my mode of keeping fit for at least 10 years. And frankly, I know I can do somethings other folks half my size cannot do. So it's internally and intentionally doing what's necessary to change.

After the MOUNTAIN.
I feel great today! I enlisted the help of one of my friends. She is a beast on the dance floor. She has been doing alternative workouts though, dance hasn't been enough. As dancers our bodies are used to doing it a certain way and doing it the same way does not effect change. Her personal results have been awesome! So I joined her on her regimen today, we did the infamous Mountain. She usually goes up and around. So that 's what we did today, 7 MILES!!!

Yes, I began my day, and my week with 7 miles in the pocket. Oh no, make no mistake it wasn't an easy seven though, going up is a true test of will and intent. But to make it up there...feel that cool breeze, talk to folks who go up 2-3 times a day that are almost twice your age and listen to them motivate your journey is very humbling. The sense of accomplishment is like riding a bike for the first time without training wheels and your dad letting go of the back of it. It feels damn good! I am determined to do it again, at least 2x's a week. I have to do it without my friend every once in a while so I can really test my grain. That's what the elder suggested to me this morning. I also noted that when I was in peak physical condition, about 10 years ago, I went up with one of my elder sistahrs. She left me. I could not go up a quarter of the way. I feel pretty good that I actually made it. My sistahr-friend motivated me and waited, and made sure I made it to the top today!! Salt on my face, from sweat, sore butt, sore feet and I can say....I will do it again!

If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking.
Buddhist Saying

I posted a few months ago with the Warrior Training Video, I am now back to that place mentally. I have the proper motivation for it...I don't like thinking that I can't do something, that MY body is working against me. I am juicing more, drinking more water, and I teach a ZUMBA class every week, and I take at least two dance classes a week. I also have several other modes of fitness to keep me busy and to switch back and forth. I am publicly putting myself on front street to stay motivated and focused. By September 29th, my birthday; you and I will see some marked changes. Hang on for the ride!!

A sample of Warrior Weight Training


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Meet The Author

Sauda Jackson is a mom, dancer, singer, musician, lover of all things funky and off-beat,guerrilla dance stylist, arm-chair anthropologist and Supa Hera