How many potential butterflies (PBs) have you met in your life? When I say potential butterfly, I do mean the actual butterfly or caterpillar. I also mean the figurative butterfly, in which you yearn to see from potential to maturation. Potential butterflies enter with innocence and depart in full glory. Think of what Iyanla Van Zant called potential; "doing nothing now". In our lifetime we will meet, engage, pass by on the street, fall prey to, marry, love, make love to, wanna stab, curse and repeat the cycle over again with more than 1,000 PBs. It's not scientific. Do you agree?

We pupate(develop our personality), seek safety and solace(a close relationship with another), encapsulate ourselves in a secure environment(career, family etc), we nourish ourselves off what is available(emotional & physical, memory, comfort-zone). Finally, we rest. Then we emerge from 'that place' anew. We have to assist in moving ourselves from doing nothing now to doing something immediately!
Initially, when I wrote the above piece, I felt like my encounters, were a struggle. That I was making some questionable choices. Looking for Mr. Right and sifting through the mr. right-nows, was a mess! There is no Mr./Ms. Right. There is always, a mr./ms. right-now. You have to figure out if you want to take the time to see the PB in them and allow them to become Mr./Ms. Right. It's not easy, neither is it hard. (tee-hee!) We just have to be abundantly clear about what we want, need and desire plus that we expect & require them to do the same. I am not a relationship expert by any means, but I do know people. If given half a chance, or even an ounce of encouragement along with developing a practice of unconditional love between you; PB will start to take shape. Cause you see, the ultimate PB is YOU! You have to realize your own Butterfly Potential, then you will see and ultimately appreciate it in others. Watch what I tell you!
Hey not much has changed since 2009, except that when I prioritize and focus on the right things in my life, other PBs start falling out the trees, opening up their wings and offering themselves to me. Funny, I never thought of it that way until now. I mean on all levels, PBs in my business, in my social circles, in my physical encounters, in my career choices; everything! And I mean everywhere, too! Lots of unexpected PB stuff be going on around here!
The secret? There is no secret, it's in plain sight, find your bliss! I see it all around me, and I am loving it. The examples are infinite. Cliche' yeah, but so effin' real.
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Joy at Soochipara Waterfalls, Wayanad, Kerala Photo Credit: Thiagarajan (Thiags) |

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Tapping the Power Within &
Acts of Faith(carry everywhere you go for 6 months) By Iyanla Vanzant
For Personal Coaching & one-on-one discovery; Execumama Enterprises/Akilah Richards:
James Campbell Foundation:
Iyanla Vanzant:
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