Okay I am not sure what other women think about getting a mammogram, but I have a few thoughts about it. I had my first mammogram a couple of years ago and it was less than exciting. It was a positive experience, a sort of rite of passage into that 'next phase' of womanhood! Well it was such a memorable experience that I skipped doing it last year, so I had to get one this year.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. -Ben Franklin
The thoughts running through my mind after the "smash & grab" were pure comedy, yet so effin serious. "Hey how about another round for everyone! That felt great!" "Yeah baby, was it good for you too, it was great for me. Let's do it again" "Everyone needs to have one of these everyday!" "Next time I will bring wine." Of course these were all meant facetiously. That ish hurt to the nth degree. I was smashed and grabbed, and asked to hold my breath, the complete opposite of sexy! All kinds of manipulated by a machine. I even had an ultrasound, cause I had complained of pain in one of my breasts. That part was mild in comparison. I am not sure what all you ladies who are not as 'over-endowed' as me, have experienced. I have some 'biguns' and having them smashed sideways is anything but fun.

I am wondering from survivors, how effective early detection was in their experiences? And if it has any bearing at all on their level of wellness today? Or is it just the knowing, that makes it better? I have read and heard some pretty interesting things lately about early detection and there not being enough evidence to support the idea that self exams and clinical exams, whether or not the program is effective in prevention. I know one thing...for all the poking and prodding and breath-holding and wincing, it better be effective. In fact I would bet on being safe rather than sorry in terms of early detection.
I believe if we eat healthy and exercise, if we stay away from hormone laced foods; we will at least be on the side of prevention. All the modalities necessary for a healthy and full life are within us. Positive affirmations, clean foods, moderation in drinking and smoking, alternative health options, stress-free living, exercise, plenty sex, massages, reflexology, regular colonics, making sure that you continue to self-exam and get a yearly clinical, just to see where you are and the big one.....forgiveness of past hurt. Louise Hay says it so well in, "You Can Heal Your Life" that one of the factors in breast cancer are the refusal to forgive the pains of the past. She is living proof that alternative methods are effective.
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