31 Days of Creative Yumminess.
I will embark on another journey to test my skills and discipline in creating art.
I am so excited to share this creative adventure! I began the year with a challenge, to see if I could do it and what I would come up with in the process. The results: I made a variety of cool pieces, everything from paintings, drawings, new earring styles, crocheted scarf/collar and a renewed exercise discipline. As I challenged myself to double-duty, I was able to fully complete the creative stuff.

I did the exercises everyday. I just didn't think I made any progress, though. The movements were very difficult! So I didn't continue after the 30 days. Today, I just realized it was that foundation that helped me months later to have the ability to traverse Stone Mountain, without passing out! Yay me! So this end of the year task is to test those waters again. I have been really diligent in my exercise routine and eating habits. Making sure I get the proper amount of physical activity each week. I am dancing 3-5 days so far. Supplemental exercises on days that I am not 'cutting a rug'. Eating good, no binges and no wild-eyed crazed splurges. I am working on getting the proper amount of sleep. Kinda hard since I am night owl and when the adrenaline is up...so am I.

Denial(pants/tops): the pants you bought in a size too small, or bought and knew you couldn't wear them because you were in denial that your azz was getting is fat! Or denial shirt/top is one that gives the buttons so much extra pressure that it threatens to burst open at any minute, or it's so tight it is now a see-through. And the big deal....losing 20 pounds in the first month.The loss has slowed own some, however I know I am alot stronger now.
This year I have had the privilege of studying and mastering some new techniques. I've been experimenting with new materials. Also researching ways to maximize on the repurposed and recycled ideas. I am getting tech savvy. My classes are preparing me daily for mastering myself as an artist and to live my bliss. I have some really exciting stuff to share in 2013.
Each day I will complete and post a piece of work, sometimes two or three and solicit feedback. In addition to online sales, discounts, auctions and giveaways!
Stay tuned, so you can have a chance to own a one-of-a-kind piece of maiabey art!
I have so much more to share, so cheer me on, send words of encouragement, then support by participating, purchasing or telling a friend to tell a friend.
So in advance I will have 3 exclusive pieces up on Friday night, just in time for World AIDS Day. You will have an opportunity to bid or buy the pieces and from each a portion will go to the (RED) campaign.
MAIA BEY "get you some"
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